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联系人:王小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-51693135
手 机:13052326431


TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水


    TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水

TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 223F01乐泰胶水,电子胶水

技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476

推荐用于要求高导热性,长使用寿命,低收缩率,优异的耐化学性和低放热性能的高温接合应用。 该材料容易在室温下混合和处理,然而需要提高固化时间表以开发材料的全部特性。 TRA-BOND 223F01为大多数金属,玻璃和塑料基材提供了低的热膨胀系数和优异的附着力。 完全固化的TRA-BOND 223F01是一种机械坚固耐用的电绝缘体,具有出色的抗水性,耐候性,盐,弱酸和许多其他有机和无机材料。 根据ASTM E-595-90测试,该材料符合NASA的除气规范要求。

固化时间360℃6.00小时3小时@ 125℃+ 175℃时3小时

Material Notes:TRA-BOND 223F01 is recommended for high temperature bonding applications where high thermal conductivity, long working life, low shrinkage, excellent chemical resistance and low exotherm properties are required. This material is easily mixed and handled at room temperature, however an elevated cure schedule is REQUIRED to develop the full properties of the material. TRA-BOND 223F01 provides a low coefficient of thermal expansion and excellent adhesion to most metals, glass and plastic substrates. Fully cured TRA-BOND 223F01 is a mechanically strong and durable electrical insulator, it provides outstanding resistance to water, weathering, salts, mild acids and many other organic and inorganic materials. This material complies with the requirements of NASA`s Outgassing Specification when tested according to ASTM E-595-90.

Cure Time 360 min 6.00 hour 3 hrs @ 125°C + 3 hrs @ 175°

王小姐 女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-51693135
传  真: 021-51693136
移动电话: 13052326431
公司地址: 中国上海闵行区闵行
邮  编:
公司主页: http://odif.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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