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联系人:王小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-51693135
手 机:13052326431






技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476

Ablebond8380导电胶适用于高级,高容量,卷对卷智能卡应用。这种粘合剂是特别配制的,以提高装配生产率和产量。 Ablebond 8380粘合剂的流变性是高速自动焊接机的理想选择。粘合剂可以以*小的停留时间被排出,而不会拖尾或拉紧,以*大限度地提高模切机UPH。 Ablebond 8380胶粘剂设计用于在低温下快速固化。为了在卷对卷应用中实现*大的生产率,粘合剂可以使用连接到管芯接合器的短隧道炉固化。或者,粘合剂可以在常规的盒式炉中快速固化。 Ablebond 8380粘合剂在低温下固化,这使得产品可以与热敏基材一起使用,而不会损坏组件。 Ablebond 8380胶粘剂专为*新的智能卡应用而设计。即使使用大型半导体器件,该粘合剂也将经受严格的压力测试。

Ablebond8380 electrically conductive adhesive is designed for advanced, high volume, reel-to-reel smart card applications. This adhesive is specially formulated to increase assembly productivity and yield. The rheology of Ablebond 8380 adhesive is ideal for high speed automated die bonders. The adhesive can be dispensed with minimum dwell time, without tailing or stringing, to maximize die bonder UPH. Ablebond 8380 adhesive is designed to cure rapidly at low temperatures. For maximum productivity in reel-to-reel applications, the adhesive can be cured using a short tunnel oven linked to the die bonder. Alternatively, the adhesive can be quickly cured in conventional box ovens. Ablebond 8380 adhesive cures at low temperatures which allows the product to be used with thermally sensitive substrates without damaging the assembly. Designed for the latest smart card applications, Ablebond 8380 adhesive is flexibilized. The adhesive will withstand rigorous stress testing even using large semiconductor devices

王小姐 女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-51693135
传  真: 021-51693136
移动电话: 13052326431
公司地址: 中国上海闵行区闵行
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公司主页: http://odif.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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乐泰|乐泰胶水 公司地址:中国上海闵行区闵行
王小姐 女士 (经理) 电话:021-51693135 传真:021-51693136
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